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Unit Converter

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:31 am
by skipcuda
I loaded the Beta on my Storm 9550 (.320)

Unit Conversion - Here I found some things that may not be much, but thought you may want to know. I was playing around and was using the number 12 as my example. When I tried to use Sq Cent against Sq Cent I got 12 and 11.9999999. I was curious so did it to the entire app. Using 1 - 40 as my testing. I found most worked as normal, though adding 7 zeros I considered okay, they came up even to the inputed numbers. Ones that didn't were as follows:
Sq Cent - 3,6,12,24,29 of a 1-40 run
Sq Feet - 3,6,12,24 of this I also tried adding a decimal number. At 3.6 I got 3.5999999, 5.8 - 5.79999999, 24.9 - 24.8999999 (Decimals we're only tried on the sq foot buttons.)
Sq Yards - 3,6,12,24,31
India Rupees - 3,6,12,24,31
N.Z. Dollars - 3,6,12,24,27
Electron Volts - 3,6,12,19,24,29,38
Miles per Hour - 3,6,12,24
The key board did not pop up until the reboot.

Re: Unit Converter

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:27 pm
by marwatk
Hmm, I imagine this will be caused by the floating point stuff in the OS itself, I'll see if there's anything I can do...
