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Copy podcasts from media card to a computer

New postPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:53 pm
by fcastell
First of all, podtrapper is the best. My companion everywhere!
I am trying to have several (more than 100) episodes in my iPod. I subscribed using iTunes but it shows only two episodes. However, I have all of them in my blackberry podtrapper directory. Is there a way to covert the DAT files into MP3 files with ID tags so I can copy them and import at iTunes?

Re: Copy podcasts from media card to a computer

New postPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:54 pm
by marwatk
Hi there,

PT can't do ID3 tags, so unless the publisher already puts them in they won't be there. There's a "Save As.." menu item when viewing the list of episodes that will automatically rename a file to a happy name and store it on your SD card, will that work? (Though it'll be a bit cumbersome for 100 episodes).
