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Are there shortcuts for "View D/L'ed Only" and "View Std."

New postPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:20 pm
by therealjoeblow
Are there shortcuts to filter the list(s) for "View Downloaded Only" and to re-expand to "View Standard" to show all? The only way I've found is to select these options from the menu, but that's rather clunky. I don't know about others, but I'm using these two view toggles *very* frequently. If there are no shortcuts, can they be added?

The REAL Joe

Re: Are there shortcuts for "View D/L'ed Only" and "View Std."

New postPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:05 am
by marwatk
Hi Joe,

When I finally get customized shortcuts you'll be able to configure that yourself, but that may be a while :/

Out of curiosity, what do you use the two views for?


Re: Are there shortcuts for "View D/L'ed Only" and "View Std."

New postPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:42 am
by therealjoeblow
I have subscribed to a few podcasts that have 100 episodes available on their feed. Being a new user, I'm not yet in a mode where I just automatically download the most current episode(s), listen, delete when done, and then repeat. I'm more like a kid in a candy shop, sampling episodes from various subscriptions and time periods.

So most of my subscriptions have one or two episodes downloaded, but scattered amongst the 100 or so available episodes. Therefore the only workable way of viewing the list and finding the downloaded episodes is to use the filter from the menu. But when I'm done with that episode and want to scroll the list to find another one, I have to revert back to the "View Standard", scroll the list, select one or two to download, and then refilter to "View Downloaded Only"

Hopefully you get the idea, but this is very cumbersome.

Also, what I'm seeing is that these settings only apply to the particular podcast listing that I'm in when I select the view mode - is that right? It would be *really* nice if this could be globally applied, because (at least at this point), I find I'm doing an *awful* lot of of toggling the view mode back and forth from the menu. Hotkeys and global settings would be much nicer.

The REAL Joe

Re: Are there shortcuts for "View D/L'ed Only" and "View Std."

New postPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:01 am
by marwatk

In the mean time you may want to set up a playlist and set them to auto-add themselves to it when they download, that way you have a quick view of all downloaded episodes across all podcasts. Then you just use the main list to get more.

Hope that helps!
