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"Add to playlist" sorting options backwards?

New postPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:06 am
by ScanAmerica
If I use "Add to playlist" to add a bunch of episodes to the playlist and use the default values of sorting by playback priority (ascending), then by episode date (ascending) and then by podcast name (ascending), the episodes in the playlist in up in reverse order. Podcasts with a playback priority of 20 are listed before those with a priority of 10 and episodes within a podcast are listed by date with newer ones listed before older ones instead of older ones first (ascending date order).

I'm using version 1.7.1 and haven't used any earlier versions.


Re: "Add to playlist" sorting options backwards?

New postPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:54 pm
by marwatk
I missed this post for the 1.7.2 release, I'll definitely check it out for the next one, though.


Re: "Add to playlist" sorting options backwards?

New postPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:21 pm
by ScanAmerica
FYI, the sorting order (ascending vs. descending) seems to be working correctly in 1.7.2, podcasts with a low priority number are added to the playlist before those with higher numbers and older episodes are listed before newer ones when I sort by playback priority in ascending order and by episode date in ascending order.