How about a "Shopping" Mode

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How about a "Shopping" Mode

New postby jastop on Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:02 pm

Love the app, it's a great start.

I would like it to have a "shopping" mode.

Purpose?: To display the items in a specific list in the order that I would find them in the store, so I can conveniently check them off as I navigate my way through the store. For example, if I had 20 items in my Costco list, it would show the items found in the office supply isle, then the items from the tools isle, then the bakery isle, then the meat isle, etc.

How could you do it? Let the application enter "Shopping" mode for a category when I click the category name. Perhaps the application could be have additional option on the same pop-up that has "delete" on it? When I am in shopping mode, remember the order that I check the items off(delete the items from the list). The next time the same category is displayed in shopping mode sort the items in the order they were checked off(removed) the last time the category was in shopping mode.

How about sending a sync message whenever I enter shopping mode for a category. For example, if I go to Costco I would enter "Shopping" mode for the "Costco" category. My wife's BB would pop-up saying "Jeff is Shopping Costco Now!". She could quickly update the list, or perhaps even text me saying, I already did the shopping.

Thanks for listening :D
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Re: How about a "Shopping" Mode

New postby marwatk on Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:05 pm

Hmm, interesting idea. I have a few notions of how to do sorting, this is a good approach.

I'll see what I can play around with.

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Re: How about a "Shopping" Mode

New postby ylexot on Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:25 am

Sounds like it could be a worthwhile feature...especially in a place like a Super Wal-Mart where there are massively diverse items spread over a very large store. My thoughts on the implementation:
Allow for user-defined, optional subcategories
When viewing the category in the categories list, maybe have them grouped by subcategory with divider lines between subcategories, but not show the names of the subcategories (to save screen space and minimize scrolling)
Use a menu item for "Shopping Mode". As I mentioned in another thread, I think clicking a category is best to be left as expanding/collapsing the category.
When in "Shopping Mode", just display the selected category and include the subcategory names.
When in Shopping Mode, have check boxes for items where clicking the item checks/unchecks the item.
When you exit Shopping Mode, prompt the user to ask if they want to delete checked items.
I like the idea about sending a note to your partner that you are shopping at XXX.

As for the idea about remembering the order that things were checked guess is that it would be very complicated to program, increase the size of the program significantly, and I don't see much utility if you've already grouped the items by area/aisle/whatever.
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Re: How about a "Shopping" Mode

New postby sbroomheadsr on Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:04 pm

Maybe it could be as simple as a sequence number on a category? Just sequence the categories as you would see the products in the store. That way when Wally World decides to move items to a different place, the user could easily change the sequence.

Re: How about a "Shopping" Mode

New postby marwatk on Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:47 pm

I think I'll add an alt+drag to move them around, I just have to work out the backend logistics.

Versatile Monkey
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Re: How about a "Shopping" Mode

New postby Chadlmt on Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:30 am

I need this also. I would love to be able to arange the list. Like keeping all the produce and dried good in the same area. Sub catagories would help with this also.

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