by rcutright on Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:58 am
I stopped by the store to clear my list. One item was "bread", so I picked up a tasty loaf of "Wonder Bread" at the store, only to later discover that I was supposed to get "Arnolds Double Fiber whole grain" bread.
One solution would certainly have been for my wife to enter a fully qualified description upon entry, but this can be lengthy, to enter and within the list itself. Perhaps a secondary field for each item with a more detailed description of the item which is optional entry ? Perhaps more of a tiered strructure where an item could also be like a category and have multiple sub entries like: bread - wonder bread, bread - double fiber, etc
When you are viewing the list the additional description could display as one of those floating boxes above the item or something like that ?
If you were adding some additional fields for each item, then maybe aisle number would be good ?
While shopping you could put the aisle number in for items as you find them, then you could enable the shopping mode that someone else mentioned which would sort the list by aisle number?