Import from XML?

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Import from XML?

Postby KCsun on Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:10 am

I have had the worst case happen... I went to an Iphone and now also have a blackberry and no longer have the backup of my podtrapper data on a sd card. I did export my podcast url list to xml and sent it to myself and wanted to be able to import that list so I don't have to search or type in all of my subscriptions again. Is there any way to do this? By the way I will use my blackberry for podcasts still over an IPhone.. The podtrapper software is sooooooo much better than anything apple has to offer.
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Re: Import from XML?

Postby marwatk on Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:19 pm

I'm confused :/

You're importing to a different BB or to iPhone?

If you email me the OPML file I can pull out the urls if you want.

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Import from XML?

Postby juggalo20_2001 on Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:10 am

I'm a little confused by this also, exporting is done to an .xml but I see no way to import via .xml

It's not a huge deal as I just keep a "podtrapper.feeds.txt" on my sdcard, but still...

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