Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

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Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby ivkowalenko on Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:42 pm

When I switched from my incredibly unreliable and unstable BlackBerry, to a Nexus S, I tried playing around with different media apps and found one I liked, but it required Podcasts to be synced from a desktop (or laptop, in reality). Lo and behold, the desktop version did not support podcasts (yet) on Mac OS X. So instead of waiting around, I visited the Market, and discovered my favorite BlackBerry podcasting client was available on Android!

Oh happy day! I know this app. I like the developer. I've only had to contact support twice, and both times it was above and beyond what I expected! The Market had good ratings (aside from a couple complaints about stuff that might not be worth complaining about anyway). I popped over to the Versatile Money website to check out the demo, and on a whim, ask if I could transfer my license from BlackBerry to Android. But then I paused. I knew that since my Nexus S was also replacing my aged and venerable iPod Touch, I would inevitably have to re-purchase some applications. Why should I feel entitled to a free extra copy of the app? But what the heck, I tried the License Transfer tool anyway. A quick trial later, and what did I find? I could indeed transfer my license to my Nexus S!

Honestly, something I didn't expect. I had thrown down my cash on this app, and the developer had managed to work out how, with his own DRM scheme, to make cross-platform licensing work, and work well. This wasn't just a sign of good customer support, or a developer that indeed loves his users: this was generosity.

And so, I thank you. Not just for a good product, but excellent support.

P.S. - I happen to be in the market for a to-do list, now that I can't use Things on my Android phone. HoneyDew (Premium) might be right up my alley, since I know what my money is supporting.
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Re: Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby marwatk on Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:03 am

:) Thanks! It didn't seem right to charge for the same thing twice...

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Re: Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby cokert on Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:11 am

I didn't even try to transfer my bb license. And I don't mind having paid twice. Thanks for such an awesome product!
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Re: Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby Care on Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:45 am

I can't seem to find a way to transfer my BB license for it to my GS Fascinate? I miss my Podtrapper, but I don't want to add a credit card to my google account.

There used to be a trial version and then you just put in your license key. I tried to buy it again to see if there was an option for adding in my license key, but nope.

How do you do it?

Re: Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby Care on Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:09 am

Thanks Marcus! It is all set up now. :D

Re: Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby tnt118 on Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:56 am

I remember mentioning to Marcus that I bought HoneyDew sight unseen, based solely on the quality on PodTrapper. I try to talk as many friends as I can into supporting PodTrapper as well, I figure that's the best support I can give!

Edit: I'd like to add I expected about 2 other BlackBerry application licences to transfer over to Android... and now that's suddenly "not possible". Great work by Marcus on everything here!
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Re: Hold on... my BlackBerry license works on my Android phone?!

New postby marwatk on Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:34 am

Yeah, the only thing that sucks is AT&T. They actively block non-market downloads, so there's no way for people to get the app installed there (the market won't let me offer a trial or anything).

Versatile Monkey
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