Podtrapper and QuickLaunch (in)compatibility

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Podtrapper and QuickLaunch (in)compatibility

New postby gahoo on Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:25 pm

QuickLaunch is a BB app that allows for exactly what it says, a quick way to launch certain programs. Most 3d party apps seem to work nicely with it - Podtrapper doesn't for some reason. See http://forums.crackberry.com/f134/quicklaunch-1-2-released-150717/index7.html#post1574090 for the QuickLaunch developer's take as to why. This is not crucial to me since I have PodTrapper as a topline icon, but it would be nice if these two apps could get along.
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Re: Podtrapper and QuickLaunch (in)compatibility

New postby marwatk on Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:30 pm

Hi there,

No promises, but I'll get with that developer and see why it's not compatible and what I can do about a fix. (Chances are it's related to PodTrapper having multiple entry points, so if he supports that we'll be all set, if not, he may have to update his code). Either way I'll let you know the verdict.

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Re: Podtrapper and QuickLaunch (in)compatibility

New postby gahoo on Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:56 pm

Seems fixed in 1.7.
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Re: Podtrapper and QuickLaunch (in)compatibility

New postby marwatk on Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:52 pm

Great, I figured it was the alternate entry issue, so I made the main entry be the one that doesn't use an argument. Glad it fixed it.

Versatile Monkey
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