is 1.8.6 slower to download episodes than 1.7.2?

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is 1.8.6 slower to download episodes than 1.7.2?

New postby Schnitty on Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:42 am


is there a way to tell what PT is doing when the phone shows a lot of traffic (and the battery does down faster than normal), but no episodes show as downloading? it is downloading an episode every so often, but i'm going thru all the podcasts i have scheduled to DL right now, and none show any progress for the past 30min, but the DL/UL arrows are going crazy.

this was not something i saw in 1.7.2 - usually stuff that was queue'd to download moved pretty quickly.
BlackBerry 8900 (AT&T) - OS
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Re: is 1.8.6 slower to download episodes than 1.7.2?

New postby Schnitty on Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:03 am

in case anyone's interested, i think i figured this out:

if you have a lot of queued up podcasts in PT, but you are out of room to download more (based on your storage settings, for example), PT will still check them frequently, which will use your radio. (note, this is only a guess).

so if i set it to download over cellular and don't tell it to only download when charging, but there is no room to download the podcasts i have told it to download, it will drain the battery as if it were downloading non-stop.

the only real proof i have is that when i changed my storage settings to reserve less space on my SD card, it started downloading immediately, even tho it hadn't downloaded anything all day.

hope this helps
BlackBerry 8900 (AT&T) - OS
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Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:28 pm

Re: is 1.8.6 slower to download episodes than 1.7.2?

New postby marwatk on Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:15 pm

Hmm, this would be a bug I think. Thanks for letting me know. Probably has to do with the download changes I made in 1.8+, it's probably not pausing correctly when it first detects the space issue.

I'll try to get this fixed for 2.0.

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