Exception error when resuming play

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Exception error when resuming play

New postby grey on Wed May 13, 2009 4:49 pm


It's Grey Darrah. I sent you an email with attached log yesterday about this error I'm seeing in pt on my Storm. This is not any kind of a crisis, but I though I'd give you some more info on the problem now that I can type faster on my PC. I don't remember the details of teh exception error, so hopefully it shows up in the log that I sent you. If not, let me know and I'll write it all down the next time I see it (tomorrow???) I typically get the error once or twice a day. Here's some background on how I use pt and when I see the error. I don't listen to podcast at all, I use pt for listening to audio books. My work (I'm a portrait artist) allows me to listen most of the day. Numerous time during the day, I will pause my book, leaving pt open, go to other functions on my phone (calendar, email, phone, bla, bla, bla), then resume play in pt. At least once or twice per day, when I depress the button that I use to pause/un-pause play (it's the silence ringer button on the top right of my Storm), I get this error. Whenever I get it, the only way I have found to resume playing where I last stopped is to fully exit out of pt, launch it again, and all is well. So the error has only occurred when I have left pt open to do other phone things, then come back to resume play. It does not happen with an regularity. I might leave and return to pt 10 or 20 times in the coarse of a day and see the error once or twice. Let me know if you need more info. I'm running pt 2.02 beta and my Storm OS is .141. However, I had this exact same error situation in pt 2.0 running Storm OS's of .113, .122, .132. I'm also pretty certain that I saw the error in pre 2.0 release of pt.

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Re: Exception error when resuming play

New postby marwatk on Wed May 13, 2009 7:51 pm

Thanks, Grey. From the logs you sent it looks like the media player is closing the file (which podtrapper can't see), so when it tries to play it again it's in an invalid state. I think I can put a case in to guard against this, I'll try to make it in for the next release.

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Re: Exception error when resuming play

New postby grey on Sun May 17, 2009 5:01 pm

I appreciate it and apologize if I'm causing trouble using podtrapper for audio book listening...some books can create hundreds of separate files. That's probably not what you created it for, but with the bookmarking, it's fantastic for this purpose. I love what you've made.

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Re: Exception error when resuming play

New postby marwatk on Sun May 17, 2009 9:38 pm

You'll like the latest beta, it has multiple playlist support now. (Though I didn't get an opportunity to fix the playback thing yet, though now when they do fail to play they don't get killed from the playlist anymore and you should be able to restart where you left off (I think (I could use some more testing (and more nested parenthesis)))).

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