PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

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PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby marwatk on Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:20 pm

Hi all,

Went through a few testing versions and now I think 1.8.4 is ready.

NOTE: If you're coming from 1.7.2 and you use the desktop downloader, you'll need to upgrade it along with PodTrapper.

See the updates and download the new version at the main download site

Versatile Monkey
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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby MrSimmonsSr on Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:34 am

Great job resolving all of the downloading issues, Marcus! This latest version seems to be downloading very well for me personally! I'm back to having my full list of podcasts downloading properly every day. Thanks so much for all of your hard work on that!!

I've noticed one strange behavior with some of the latest versions, however, and I thought I'd bring it to your attention. I am just now upgrading from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 however and will let you know if the issue continues with this latest build..

The issue relates to how Blackberry (Curve 8310) initializes the output device. I usually listen to my podcasts in the car by using a cassette tape adapter, so I'm using the 3.5mm headphone jack with the device. In the past, I could simply plug the adapter into the headphone jack when I got in the car, and then anything I played came out of my radio instantly. Lately, however, I have noticed that I have to unplug and replug the adapter everytime a new podcast starts playing, or the output device doesn't get initialized properly and no audio comes out. Does this ring any bells? I hope I'm explaining it clearly. I've also noticed sometimes when I'm walking the dog, and listening through my bluetooth headset that when an email comes into my BB the audio switches back to the in-device speaker and never switches back to bluetooth automatically. It used to always go back to bluetooth on its own, but now it just continues playing through the speaker until I explicitly select bluetooth audio instead.

Did I change some setting somewhere and not realize it? Should I set the output to Auto maybe? What exactly does that do? My goal, of course, would be to select the output device I want and have the program go back to it automatically instead of constantly having to go in and select it myself, or constantly having to unplug and replug whatever is in the headphone jack..

Thoughts? Let me know if you need more specifics..

Thanks for all you do!!
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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby MrSimmonsSr on Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:26 am

One more note: I seem to be having the "missing podcast episode details" issue still with version 1.8.4. I'm unsure if that is because these episodes were downloaded with 1.8.3 and therefore the data is missing, or if this problem simply relates to the display of the info and therefore the bug still exists in some form in v1.8.4.

Is there a way to update all podcast data to check, without having to add the RSS feeds again from scratch?

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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby marwatk on Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:04 pm

Eventually I'll switch to OS 4.3 for a target which will let me see which methods are available and specify an order which they should be connected. For now, though, all I can do is either set *an* output method, or not set any and let the BB manage it (the 'Auto' mode in PodTrapper).

So, to answer your question, the only thing you can do now for it to try to pick the best method first is to set 'Auto'. If you set a specific method, it will apply until you plug something else in, in which case the bb will auto switch to that method, but PodTrapper can't know this.

Then, when it goes to play something again, PodTrapper again sets up the specific method, and you'd need to replug in the thing you plugged in last time to switch it (or choose that specific method from the menu). Setting it to auto lets the BB choose every time.

Hopefully that doesn't just confuse you more, let me know :)

On the episode details thing, you're seeing this with 1.8.4?

Versatile Monkey
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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby MrSimmonsSr on Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:12 pm

So far the missing episode details seems fine in 1.8.4. I'm not having the prob since upgrading. Well done!

The thing that confuses me about the audio output is that previous versions didn't behave this way. Something has changed, and not for the better. I wish I understood the BB programming specifics more so I could be more helpful. I know I'm not giving you much to work with..

I've been using PodTrapper for a few months now and I've never had to unplug and plug again between episodes being played. That just started recently.. I'm not sure how recently, however, because all of the download issues (which you've done a wonderful job correcting) meant that I haven't had any content to listen to for quite some time. Now I have some and suddenly I'm having to plug and unplug my headphone connection between each episode.. Something's not right.. And it used to be great in previous versions..

Is anyone else seeing a new problem with the audio output initialization? Let me know even if you're not having the issue..
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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby marwatk on Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:38 pm

Nothing should have changed there (the player hasn't really changed much in a long time, other than the playlist thing).

Try setting it to auto and see if that fixes it...

Versatile Monkey
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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby MrSimmonsSr on Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:54 pm

Ok, I'll give that a shot in the AM when riding into work. I'll let you know what I figure out.

Thanks for the info, Marcus!

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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby kchow84 on Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:13 pm

Marcus, I just started using the updated desktop downloader and it works wonderfully. Just in time for my trial to expire too! I consider my $10 well spent on PodTrapper. Thanks again! :D
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Re: PodTrapper 1.8.4 Released

New postby countstex on Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:44 am

Installed the client, and just thought I say it's gone flawlessly and everything seems to be working fine for me. And that's all I have to say :)

(As a software developer for a medium size business I know how unusual it is to get purely positive feedback so I saw it as my duty to give some ;) )
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