New Reg Code Format

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New Reg Code Format

Postby marwatk on Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:53 pm

Hi all,

So I think I'm ready to transition to new pin-independent reg codes. My initial implementation is horrible, greater than 50% of my emails are device changes :)

If you go to the reg code switch site:

It should start handing out codes that will work on any device (not tied to a specific PIN). This serves two purposes, 1) it allows you to keep using PodTrapper if I ever go away and your device breaks, and 2) it frees me up from answering all of my device switch emails.

I just noticed that PodTrapper won't let you enter a new code if the one you have in there is valid, so right now it's really only useful when you're actually switching devices. (Though if you want to switch now and write down the PIN for later that works too). I'll make sure the next version pops up a warning about the old PINs encouraging people to get new ones, but for now it's mostly testing.

In the next week or so I'll also deploy code that hands out the new PINs when purchasing normally.

Let me know if anyone runs into any issues.

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