Sorting - Grouping - Categories

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Sorting - Grouping - Categories

New postby Steamboat on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:07 am

I would love to see a variety of sorting and grouping options. For example. I don't mind labeling something I subscribe to as audio or video. This would allow me to group alphabetical by type (Audio or Video) seperating the two in a list.

Sorting options showing most recently downloaded & unplayed at the top. Or by most unplayed episodes (pure. count).
If it is possible to display the duration of a podcast the ability to show on the top screen the number of min / hours of unlistened to content and sort by this.

And the most important sort by what I dedicate my time to on the device. Some podcasts I just never get to on the device. If this program learned and would say you always listen to TWIT or Loaded so I will order those at the top to make them easier to access.

On commutes it is important to keep focused on driving or not getting hit by a car crossing the street so the more this program can make things easier the better IE Monday TWIT tuesday MBW...Friday SecurityNow and Windows Weekly. Pushed to the top based on last updated.

Re: Sorting - Grouping - Categories

New postby marwatk on Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:07 pm

Hi Steamboat, thanks for the suggestions. I've got a couple of ideas on how to do this, keep your eyes on the changes for details.

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