Multiple playlists, more selection and sort criteria

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Multiple playlists, more selection and sort criteria

New postby arkolbus on Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:34 am

I know something similar has been suggested in another post, but I'd like to second it and add my own twist.

Before I had my BB, I used iPod+iTunes for podcasts (and audiobooks, music). I love the "smart playlists" in iTunes, and I'm glad Podtrapper now meets most of that functionality with the auto-add and sort in 1.8.x. I'd like to see the ability to have multiple playlists, with each playlist able to have its own auto-add and sort criteria, and episodes automatically added and removed from all matching playlists.

I'd also like to see more criteria for selecting and sorting episodes. For example:
-Year (to easily differentiate new episodes from podcast archives I'm working my way through)
-Podcast name or by feed

Right now I can accomplish some of this with the playback priority, by lowering the priority of the podcasts that I'm working through. However, this puts new episodes from those podcasts at the very bottom of my playlist, and every once in a while I'll have to listen to those manually so they don't pile up.
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Re: Multiple playlists, more selection and sort criteria

New postby marwatk on Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:58 pm

That exact situation had occurred to me a couple of days ago.

It think the easiest way to mitigate it (year would come close, but only for podcasts with archives longer than the current year), is to also add an 'Episode index' sort criteria (with a better name, probably), which is the order the episode appears in the episode list for that podcast. Probably also an 'Episode index including deleted' which would also count deleted episodes. That way you could sort the newest episode of any podcast above the 2nd episode of any other podcast.

This (and some other criteria like size and listened percent and a few others, open to suggestions here) will probably make the next release. Multiple playlists, though, will probably come later (though I'm coming around to its necessity).

At this rate PodTrapper will be a mobile itunes equivalent in no time ;)

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Re: Multiple playlists, more selection and sort criteria

New postby mobilechrisd on Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:32 pm

I'm assessing the software for audiobooks as well. The ability to have multiple playlists would be nice b/c I bounce between books and podcasts.


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