Partial podcast?

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Partial podcast?

New postby ehart on Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:56 pm

Here's a question I bet you don't often get...

I'd like to listen to only the first 12-15 minutes of a particular podcast, then have podtrapper automatically continue with the next podcast in the playlist.

I'm assuming no such feature exists, correct?


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Re: Partial podcast?

New postby marwatk on Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:45 pm

Yeah, that's a pretty unusual use case. Can I ask what the reason is?

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Partial podcast?

New postby ehart on Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:50 pm

Sure, but you'll probably wish you hadn't asked! I listen to two news podcasts: Democracy Now! and Democracy Now en espanol. This is to help me learn Spanish. I listen to the English version first, then the spanish. Both come out every day.

The thing is that the English version is much longer. The first 12 minutes of the English version is dedicated to "headlines" -- brief news bits from around the world. The rest of the 1-hour English show is dedicated to a few (or sometimes just one) interviews or more indepth reports.

The Spanish version is only 12 minutes long -- a translation of the headlines from the English version. The spanish version doesn't include the second (longer) part of the English version. So when I am getting ready to listen to the Spanish version, I only want to hear the first 12 minutes of the English version -- the part that gets translated.

This is unusual enough that you shouldn't consider it a feature request. If you were to implement it, though, you could generalize it a little, as in: "Only listen to minutes X through minute Y" so that people could specify their start time as well. This would allow people to skip an introduction that's always the same, for example.

You'd want it to be easy to override,though. Sometimes I do want to listen to the entire hour-long English version. Actually, when it's in my "default" playlist that's the case. In my "Spanish" playlist I only want the first 12 minutes. The mind boggles.

Thanks for listening....
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Re: Partial podcast?

New postby marwatk on Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:42 am

Hmm. The UI implications would be pretty dramatic. I'd likely need someway to indicate it on the progress bar, for example, as well as warn when you're approaching the limit, etc. While doable, I'm not sure there are any other cases where it would be useful as a permanent setting (i.e I don't think there are enough podcasts with such specific formats). We'll see if anyone comments on it, though...

Versatile Monkey
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