Losing spot when shutting down podtrapper (Android)

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Losing spot when shutting down podtrapper (Android)

New postby Petri33 on Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:51 am

I've started having a problem recently where when I shut down podtrapper when in the middle of a podcast when I restart the next time it picks up much earlier than where I left off.

Re: Losing spot when shutting down podtrapper (Android)

New postby Guest on Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:59 am

Looking at it further while I'm listening to podcasts the displayed time is actually ticking slower than real time even though the sound is playing real time so if I skip ahead after it is playing for some time it will put me further ahead in regards to time displayed but further back in the podcast.

I'm sure that is throughly confusing :)

Re: Losing spot when shutting down podtrapper (Android)

New postby marwatk on Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:20 pm

Heh, sounds like the media player is getting confused. Can you shoot me a copy of your logs (via Help/Support -> Email Developer) next time you see the counter doing that? (Play/pause a couple of times for good measure while waiting about 10 seconds, so I can see the effects in the logs)

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