Downloader and Encrypted Media Card - Doesn't Work?

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Downloader and Encrypted Media Card - Doesn't Work?

New postby Bluewind on Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:28 pm

I could never get the downloader to transfer files from my PC to my BBerry. I got lucky once when I installed a new SD card but after that it never worked. Today I think I finally figured out the problem. I have a corporate Bberry. My company has a policy that they remotely administer requiring the the media card be encrypted. As of today my Bberry no longer was remotely administered hence I could remove the media card encryption (I guess this is one good thing to be said about getting laid off). As soon as the encryption was turned off and I formatted the SD card, the Downloader software once again worked transferred podcasts to the Bberry.

Marcus, does this make sense?
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Re: Downloader and Encrypted Media Card - Doesn't Work?

New postby marwatk on Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:11 pm

Yep. The SD card encryption prevents any third party apps from reading or writing to the SD card, which basically makes it unusable for all but the built in player. Sadly I haven't discovered a way around it...

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